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South Bearing | Sunstroke: warm wind arrives, summer begins
 Jul 07, 2017|View:182

Sunstroke is the fifth solar term in summer and the eleventh solar term in a year.

Heat means hot, and light heat means light heat. As the saying goes, "In the summer heat, steam and cook". The heat wave billows and the sweat pours down from the festival to the summer heat.

The midsummer is coming. Previously, a watermelon frozen in the well, a palm leaf fan, and an old popsicle could make a good summer. And now our lives are given by the air conditioner in summer! When it comes to air conditioning, we must say that the plane needle roller bearing used in automobile air conditioning compressor

In fact, South Bearing products can be found everywhere in our life, and our products play an irreplaceable role in almost every key part of the automobile!

The air conditioning compressor is the heart of the refrigeration system. After the motor runs, it drives the piston to compress it, and then discharges high-temperature and high-pressure refrigerant gas to the exhaust pipe.

If the plane needle roller bearing in the air conditioning compressor has problems, it will be difficult to operate, with noise, until the compressor is burned.

After nearly 30 years of ups and downs, Nanfang Bearing has reached close cooperation with many world famous enterprises, and its exported products are highly recognized worldwide!

The light summer solar term marks the official arrival of midsummer, which is also the day with the highest average temperature in a year. How can we defeat the high temperature, high heat and high humidity?

1. Damp heat resistance

The diet should be light and easy to digest. We should eat more food that can eliminate heat and promote dampness, such as mung bean porridge, lotus leaf porridge, red bean porridge, etc. We should use wax gourd, lotus leaf, and barley to cook soup, and also use a cool drink that can clear away heat and dampness. At the same time, pay attention to adjust the humidity in the room and open more windows for ventilation.

2. Keep a good sleep

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short, and the temperature at night is also high, which causes some people to have a bad rest at night to ensure adequate sleep. This can maintain the normal operation of various functions of the body. It is recommended that adults should have 7 hours of high-quality sleep every day.

3. Moderate exercise

One hour after the meal, exercise should not be too intense, and do not sweat. Walking, jogging, swimming and other sports are very suitable for summer. At the same time, we must drink more water in summer, replenish water in time, eliminate toxins, and reduce the burden on the heart.

4. Focus on diet

In summer, you should eat more food with low sugar, low salt, high carbohydrate and high protein, and try to eat less spicy and fried food. Suitable for eating in summer are: winter melon, white radish, tomato and other foods that can remove dampness and dredge up silt and help improve gastrointestinal function; It is advisable to eat more freshwater fish and less red meat in summer. Can drink cassia seed tea, barley tea, chrysanthemum tea, kuding tea, mung bean soup and other drinks.

5. Keep a good mood

Regulate emotions consciously. Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and hypertension should pay attention to controlling their emotions and keeping a calm mood in summer to reduce the risk of disease onset.

6. Nourishing Yang and Replenishing Qi

Adjust the difference between body temperature and room temperature, and the temperature difference inside and outside the room should not be too large. The room temperature should be kept at 27 ℃, which should not be too low. In a word, we should live in a cool, dry and comfortable environment in summer, and we should avoid all kinds of diseases caused by cold.

After the light heat, the weather is getting hotter

The battle against heat has just begun

Friendly Reminder of Nanfang Bearing

Be sure to conserve energy and pay attention to food, drink and daily life

"Fight to the end" with summer

Jiangsu Nanfang Bearing Co., Ltd

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