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Nanfang Bearing launched the whole supply chain collaborative industrial injury prevention project
 Nov 30, 2021|View:260


Research symposium on supply chain coordination industrial injury prevention

In the afternoon of November 18, Xue Jianzhong, Deputy Director of Changzhou Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, Mao Dongxia, Deputy Director of Wujin District Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, and other leaders visited Nanfang Bearing to investigate the progress of the supply chain coordinated industrial injury prevention project. Jiang Zongcheng, general manager of Nanfang Bearing, and Wang Fang, deputy general manager of the management participated in the reception.


First of all, Zhang Zhengyue, the safety engineer of Nanfang Bearing, gave a brief introduction to the company. Zhang Gong made a detailed report on safety system construction, system construction, employee training, hidden danger investigation, risk hierarchical management and control, labor protection and emergency drills. A work plan has been made for the supply chain collaborative industrial injury prevention project to ensure that the project is carried forward on time and achieves the expected effect.




Mao Dongxia, Deputy Director of the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, proposed that Nanfang Bearing attached great importance to the development of the industrial injury prevention project, and the company's leaders were in a high position to reflect the enterprise's initiative in this project with the attitude of the implementer. Mao Zedong Bureau also put forward some suggestions on the schedule of the project, hoping that the enterprise can move forward moderately to ensure that the enterprise can carry out the project work in a down-to-earth manner.


Finally, Xue Jianzhong, Deputy Director of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, summarized the meeting. Xue said that South Bearing has a solid foundation, a detailed work plan and its own characteristics. We do this based on the long-term development of the enterprise. The most important thing for supply chain collaboration in industrial injury prevention is to do a good job in collaboration. From the operational level, Xue Bureau has given the following suggestions: collaboration between the top and bottom, collaboration between the enterprise's internal leadership and functional departments, teams and on-site;

1. Collaboration between the top and the bottom, and collaboration between the internal leadership and functional departments, teams and on-site;

2. Internal and external collaboration, collaboration between enterprises and SMEs in the supply chain;

3. Virtual and real collaboration, and collaboration between theoretical training and on-site operation;

4. Collaboration between performance and examination, and collaboration between results and examination.