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Introducing authoritative information talents to promote the deep integration of industrialization and industrialization
 Nov 30, 2021|View:246

Youxiushouxi Information Officer of Changzhou Enterprise



★ On November 30, the 9th Changzhou Enterprise Youxiushouxi Information Officer (CIO) and the list of cultivated objects were publicized. Vice President Liu Bin of our company's information won the honorary title of Changzhou Enterprise Youxiushouxi Information Officer.


★ During the period when Nanfang Bearing was responsible for informatization and standardization, Liu Bin formulated a comprehensive digital and intelligent strategic informatization strategic plan for the company based on the company's strategy of high quality, low cost, rapid response and meeting customer needs. The company has built a private cloud platform with micro service architecture, realized paperless office and intelligent manufacturing operation, greatly improved the enterprise's information application and operation and maintenance level, and improved the company's operating indicators and operational efficiency.

Informatization planning

★ The "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" of Southern Bearing is a critical period for the company's strategic transformation. In order to fully realize the company's strategic objectives, President Liu customized the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" digital strategy for Southern Bearing, making overall planning from seven aspects: research and development, sales, warehousing and logistics, procurement and supply chain, production, quality and finance. Focusing on the improvement of eight indicators of delivery, inventory, labor efficiency, quality loss, equipment utilization, exception resolution, cost reduction, and customer complaint response, the Company improved its digital capabilities in business management and decision-making, and helped to achieve the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" strategic plan of Southern Bearing.

By implementing the shouxi CIO system, enterprises can strengthen the top-level planning of informatization, actively and steadily build an informatization environment, comprehensively promote enterprise informatization, and achieve the deep integration of industrialization and informatization. It not only improves the sustainable development ability of enterprises, but also contributes to promoting the construction of high-quality industrial star cities in Changzhou and achieving sound and rapid economic development.