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The 2021 annual commendation meeting for high-quality employees of Nanfang Bearing was successfully held
 Sep 08, 2022|View:657

The tiger roars and the dragon sings, and the horse bends its bow and creates new skills.

On February 19, all employees of Nanfang Bearing held the 2021 annual commendation meeting for high-quality employees in the company. The conference was divided into three chapters: "Review", "Award" and "Thanksgiving". Many wonderful programs were interspersed throughout the conference. The staff sang and danced, summarized 2021 and looked forward to 2022!

General Manager Speech


At this conference, General Manager Jiang Zongcheng first delivered a speech. President Jiang summarized the work in 2021 from the perspectives of management, sales, R&D and informatization, and also elaborated the important work in 2022 from the perspectives of market strategy, "smart transformation" and benchmarking "special, refined, special and new". Let's face up to the achievements and also be aware of the challenges faced by the company. All colleagues can only achieve the grand goal of Nanfang Bearing's centennial enterprise by working together.



There is no trace of the passage of time. When you look back, you will find that there is one thing hidden behind the time play, that is, the beautiful memories stored in our hearts. All things can only be witnessed if they are recorded. The "Review" led us to review the year 2021, which was fruitful and full of warmth.


The sustainable development of an enterprise requires the concerted efforts of all employees, with different posts and different division of labor. Innovation and optimization of technical posts, high-quality and high-yield production posts, improvement of business posts, and pursuit of excellence in management posts are the mainstay of the company and the backbone of development.




Issued by this conference 34 winners of Jun Award for Efficiency, 22 winners of Business Expert Award, and 28 winners of Innovation and Optimization Award.


He actively responded to the company's recruitment policy for all employees, enthusiastically recommended job seekers, recommended 7 candidates for the company, 4 of whom are currently on the job, and won the annual talent recommendation expert award. Behind the repeated recommendations, we witnessed that Wang Shaohui, as the team leader, was anxious about the company's responsibilities and responsibilities.


He is a leader in sales, showing his style in the forefront of sales. He seized every sales opportunity and created remarkable achievements in the market fight——Sales growth champion

As a salesperson in the field of gearbox, he has always maintained the spirit of tenacity, perseverance, tenacity and unyielding, and achieved the new product sales priority performance——New product sales with an indomitable attitude champion

She is good at details, starts from small things, and is good at finding customer needs. In 2021, she successfully completed 11 strategic new products——New product development champion


He carefully followed up the new product development process, solved the difficult problems in the process in real time, walked in the forefront of research and development for several years, and devoted himself to the new product batch production——New product batch production champion

He realized the conversion of cage from outsourcing to self manufacturing, and broke through many difficulties in the process of trial production and verification, such as cold bending and forming, punching the outer lock, which laid a foundation for the subsequent development of this type of product——First prize for overcoming difficulties

Through process improvement, he cancelled the full hardness inspection and wire mesh package heat treatment charging mode, realized the general scattered heat treatment of workpieces, saved labor costs, and improved the heat treatment efficiency——Second prize for overcoming difficulties

He solved the problem of unstable demagnetization of thrust gasket and thrust bearing finished products in batches through multiple rounds of demagnetization equipment research and verification of multiple batches of products from different suppliers, and realized cost reduction, quality improvement and efficiency increase——Third prize for overcoming difficulties


To tap the potential bit by bit and increase efficiency bit by bit, he will focus on the goal of cost reduction and efficiency increase in 2021, unite his efforts, and make great achievements bravely to contribute his own strength to the company in cost reduction and efficiency increase——Reduced cost champion


Since she joined the company, she has won annual high-quality employees for many times. She regards her work as a sacred mission, and has always demonstrated her life value with high standards and a master's attitude. In 2021, through more than ten rounds of hard negotiations, she won 2.66 million yuan of customer equipment investment for the company in the process of new project development, greatly reducing the company's costs in the process of new project development——Outstanding contribution award



★Chairman's speech

Since its establishment, Nanfang Bearing has always insisted on making products with ingenuity, initiative and tenacity to give back to the society. On the occasion of the commendation meeting for high-quality employees, Mr. Shi Jianwei, Chairman of the Board, also delivered a wonderful speech to the meeting.

The wise create opportunities, while the strong seize them. A group of strong leaders will inevitably lead to a strong enterprise. It is not enough for the company to be strong only by the leadership, but also by the joint efforts of every employee in the south. We, a group of people, work together to contribute our strength to the development of the company and strive to become a century old enterprise of Nanfang Bearing!


For 20 years, they have always been accompanied by high quality and superiority. In the past 20 years, they have used their own efforts to create greater value in every ordinary post with experience and piety. For 20 years, they have demonstrated the true meaning of "sailing through thick and thin" with their actions. Mr. Shi Jianwei, the chairman of the board of directors, presented the awards and took a group photo for the employees who won the "Sailing Together in Wind and Rain Award".

Wonderful performance


During the awarding process, we also interspersed many wonderful singing and dancing performances, and the employees expressed their good wishes to the company with wonderful programs. The second hand dance of the ferrule product line has beautiful rhythm; The dance of rolling body product line "Wanjiang" has a bright rhythm; The "Broad Sky" of the gear train product line pays tribute to the high-quality employees who have been working together for 20 years. President Cao and his son from the Bearing Business Department play "Our Time" together on the guitar; The intern representative of Jiangsu Institute of Technology brought the song "Cao Cao"; The management personnel sing songs like "The lone brave" and "Your answer".

In the new year, let's continue to practice the values of "customer first, pragmatic and enterprising, collaborative innovation"!

In the new year, let's comprehensively implement the fine management reform, unite as one, pragmatic and pioneering!

Wish all the staff: everything is new and good luck!

Wish the company: all the work achievements go to the next level!