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Guangzhou Bearing Exhibition News Report
 Mar 20, 2024|View:1370

Asiabearing Exhibition was held in Guangzhou China Import and Export Fair from March 2 to 7, 2024.

Asiabearing is the premier bearing industry trade exhibition in Asia, which gathers a variety of bearing processing, tools and products, provides a series of advanced bearing processing solutions, and is an effective platform to explore bearing processing business opportunities in Asia and even the world. As there are SPS Guangzhou International Intelligent Manufacturing technology and equipment exhibition, SIAF Guangzhou International Industrial automation technology and equipment exhibition, Asia Logistics Guangzhou International logistics warehousing technology and equipment exhibition, as well as international commercial vehicle technology and equipment exhibition held together, thus attracting a large number of visitors to visit, negotiate.

Since Jiangsu Nanfang Precision Co.,Ltd. participated in Asiabearing exhibition in 2023, it has achieved good results in expanding the industrial bearing market, developing customers in industrial applications, and promoting the NF brand. This year, we participated in the exhibition for the second time, still based on the promotion and promotion of products in the industrial field, in addition to traditional needle bearing products, this time also increased the promotion of industrial track roller bearings, robot RV reducer bearings, industrial clutches and ball screws, attracting many customers to visit the NF booth.