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Southern Bearing Basketball Friendship Match
 May 23, 2017|View:203

To further promote the development of national fitness activities for employees' leisure sports life. On the afternoon of May 21, Nanfang Bearing held a wonderful basketball friendly match with Anke.
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On the field, the teams of both sides came and went, attacked and defended each other, showing a high level, and wonderful offensive and defensive scenes emerged one after another. Round by round, the players from both sides fully displayed themselves and gave full play to their team cooperation in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere, pushing the game to a climax and drawing cheers from the audience. In particular, in the first half, the South Bearing team played a small climax with tacit cooperation, accurate shooting and constant effort.

Nanfang Bearing has displayed its vigorous and healthy image, realizing the double harvest of sports competition and spiritual civilization. At the same time, we also gained friendship.

"This friendly basketball game has carried forward the sports spirit of" unity, struggle, health and happiness ". The South Bearing game has improved the level, style and friendship of the game, which has enhanced the cultural exchange between companies and team building."